new york college of podiatric medicine Touro University

professor and students examining a patient's feet

If you’re interested in podiatric medicine, then the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM) is where you belong. Renowned for our intensive clinical training and prestigious legacy as the nation’s first podiatric college, NYCPM gives you the community and experience to gain a strong foothold in one of medicine’s most flexible and rewarding fields.

NYCPM Highlights

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100% Residency Placement Rate.
All our students are accepted into residency programs, with a 100% placement rate.

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20% of Active Podiatrists in the U.S.
Our professional network is extensive—20% of practicing podiatrists in the country have graduated from NYCPM.

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50 States with Affiliated Hospitals.
We have affiliated hospitals located in all 50 states, giving you more options to pursue your education and residency.

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11:1 Student-to-Faculty Ratio.
Our small class sizes provide a personalized learning experience and more hands-on opportunities for all students.

Your Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) Experience

NYCPM is where aspiring podiatric physicians come to thrive, with a rigorous DPM program aimed at providing you with the skills and resources for a fulfilling career.

Strong Medical Foundation

Gain the essential medical knowledge that will serve as the foundation for your podiatric career as you work and learn alongside expert faculty and mentors.
View Didactic Curriculum

In-Depth Clinical Experience

Assist on cases that range from standard care to complex issues. You’ll be prepared to identify, diagnose, and treat a wide range of foot afflictions and ailments.
View Clinical Training

Why Podiatric Medicine

Enter an exciting field of opportunity, with the flexibility to explore multiple specialties and find your ideal balance of work, life, patient care, and growth.
Explore Podiatry

Get More at NYCPM

Leaders in Podiatric Education

Established in 1911 as the nation’s first college of podiatric medicine, NYCPM has a long-standing history of producing top-performing podiatric physicians in the U.S.

Located in the Heart of It All

We’re located in the epicenter of medicine, you can see a volume and diversity of cases unmatched anywhere else, with access to some of the world’s leading hospitals, clinics, and medical programs.

Three students chatting on the street in front of the Apollo Theater in Harlem, NYC.

Supportive Podiatric Community

Join a tight-knit community of doctors, peers, and mentors who will support you through every step of your podiatric career.


Upcoming Events

Feb 13February 13, 2025 9:00am ETAPMLE Part II exam (retake)

Feb 17February 17, 2025 9:00am ETPresident's Day - College & Clinic closed

Mar 1March 1, 2025 9:00am ETRamadan begins
